The official website of the Judicial-Legal Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan serves as a platform for citizens to exercise their right to lodge complaints as outlined in Article 57 of the Constitution. Users of the website can submit letters, share their opinions and concerns on relevant matters, and submit proposals, applications, and complaints.
- Applications submitted electronically through the official website of the Judicial-Legal Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan are forwarded to the Office of the Judicial-Legal Council. They are registered and reviewed in accordance with the Law "On Citizens’ Appeals" and "Regulation on conducting clerical work related to the complaints of citizens in state and municipal bodies, budget organizations and legal entities that are owned by state or municipality or shares of which belong to the state or municipality”.
- Prior to composing the text, it is urgent to accurately complete the provided form.
- The text must be written in the alphabet of the language in which it is written, avoiding the use of all uppercase or lowercase letters. It should be structured into sentences and adhere to proper punctuation rules.
- The application text must be easily readable, with the proposal or request clearly articulated.
- Applications containing insults, slander, or inaccurate personal information will not receive a response.
- Dear users!
In order to ensure the smooth processing of the information flow, we kindly ask you to follow some restrictions:
The sending of electronic information from one source is limited to 1-5 minutes depending on the server load.
The text of the electronic application should not exceed 1500 characters.
There should be no attachment files in the electronic application. Letters with long texts, document copies, photos, and other permitted attachments should be sent to info@jlc.gov.az email address or to this address by regular mail: AZ1073, Ayna Sultanova 9, Yasamal, Baku, Azerbaijan.